A survey to understand strenghts and limits of a vertical farm in Reykjavik

A survey to understand strenghts and limits of a vertical farm in Reykjavik

Implement sustainable food production in urban environments that also offers ecosystems services that will improve life quality. Our aim is to reintegrate agriculture in the daily life of the city, increase the awareness of how food is produced and the role of plants in human nutrition. Growing fresh vegetables close to the final consumer would cut the supply chain costs for the environment and the consumers wallet and bring communities together. link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/3LDHD


Our project would fit perfectly in the municipal plan objectives within the context of the urban agriculture policy (Jonsdottir S. et al. 2012: urban agriculture in Reykjavik,Iceland). Due to its isolation we think Iceland has to import large amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits with high transport costs. Our idea would provide a more sustainable source of fresh products and in particular the more delicate as salad, spinach,basil and other aromatic herbs. please fill in the survey!

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